I've never been much of a green person, but this spring something had changed. Suddenly I wanted to grow something, and this desire quickly grew into this giant monster, nagging me from the inside and screaming: Grow! Grow!
Might have been the aftermath of various slow living blogs I tend to read from time to time, or maybe it was only the fresh spring air. Whichever is correct, I simply couldn't resist.
Now, it's not easy to move from a non-grower into a grower. Oh, getting seeds and pots is easy enough, the main obstacle is psychological. Let me give you a few examples of thoughts that thrashed around my head at this time:
- me, growing something? Nah, it will be dead before it even sprouts
- oh, and where do you want to grow it? Living in an apartment on the third floor?
- come on, you have no cash
- you know NOTHING about growing stuff. Right?
- growing stuff is not cool. My friends will laugh
Etc., etc.
Fast forward over four months, and here I am now, with a beatiful, green balcony garden for pennies and the absolutely satisfying ability to sneak there even in the middle of the night to pinch a few herb twigs for a salad or to simply smell flowers in the rain.
How did I manage to do that?
For a short answer - travel here.
For long - here.