Every writer fears it.
Those who do it for a living, as it may mean no income.
Those who are only beginning on their writer's path, as it can kill your confidence and make your path swerve in another direction whatsoever.
All other writers out there, because it's a powerful, yet invisible enemy that can make their work impossible.
The writer's block.
If you write, you know the times when words simply won't get together in the right way. When each sentence you write is accompanied by endless whispers of your inner critic, saying - Bad! No good at all! When your inspiration goes on long holidays and threatens never to come back at all, because it's nice and sunshiny out there and it prefers to hang around with others rather than being stuck in your grey existence. Sounds familiar?
I'd say so.
Every single writer (yes, even the aspiring ones) have his own set of tricks employed to overcome this nightmarish blank season. It all goes very much with personal preference, temperament and individual quirks.
I noticed, though, that there is a group of influences able to trigger a writer's block in almost everyone. This article tries to help you identify them and avoid them whenever possible. Funny, but it appears that often a very simple action can make the demon go away.
Are you willing to give it a try? Well, you have nothing to lose, and if you gain - you can buy me a coffee sometime :)
This blog has nothing to do with a fact that I need money and I'm determined to earn it online. The amount of ads placed all over it is completely incidental and I have no idea how they got here in the first place. I'm totally not trying to sell space and writing skill to the highest bidder and I am disgusted by all sorts of marketing strategies and manipulations. If you share those interests and think we may have something to offer each other, read on.