Ah, I'm right after a quick read-thru of the latest posts from Seth Godin's blog.
Usually I think the guy is brilliant. He's got this particular talent for creating striking and funny metaphors, which most of the days simply inspire.
But today I feel like arguing.
There's been a lot of talk lately of working as hard as possible or more, of 'raising the bar', of 'not sabotaging one's own work' etc.
Yeah, right.
I agree with all the above if you happen to work in your own business, on your independent project, or possibly at work you love. Sure.
But if I'm working for somebody else? Doing things I hate, only to pay the bills? For an employer who's very unlikely to appreciate my efforts in monetary way?
I say forget it. I say online solitaire all the way. I say take half an hour to transport one piece of paper from one room to the next if you only can.
Extra effort and raising the bar is all part of the best marketing for employers. Work hard, little ant, work as much as you can, all for the greater good. Work hard, so that you can pay your bills and I can drive a lexus.
God, how angry does this make me!
In most jobs, working hard only ends up with you being more indispensable and working even more. Because once you showed that you can, why not push you even further?
Does it end with you being paid more? Seldom.
So well, I love you, Seth Godin, but this time you're speaking a foreign language.