This blog has nothing to do with a fact that I need money and I'm determined to earn it online. The amount of ads placed all over it is completely incidental and I have no idea how they got here in the first place. I'm totally not trying to sell space and writing skill to the highest bidder and I am disgusted by all sorts of marketing strategies and manipulations. If you share those interests and think we may have something to offer each other, read on.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

How to survive Ryanair flight

Have you ever flown with Ryanair

If you have - well, you probably already know all there is to know about this infamous airline. 

If you haven't - here's the list of basic facts:

- Ryanair is an Irish airline, operating in western Europe

- It is probably the cheapest and the worst airline in the world

- It is famous for scandalous advertising and impoliteness of the crew

I once flew from Shannon to Bristol for 4 euros, both ways.  No more fees included, just 4 euros, and that is why I will always defend their status as the rock bottom cheap airline, howgh.  Just keep in mind that bargains like this are an exception, not norm.  And, obviously, the journey was a nightmare. 

Flights for 50 p are fabulously described in this video, which made me laugh like insane.  Highly recommendable. 

If you want to know more, follow this link