This blog has nothing to do with a fact that I need money and I'm determined to earn it online. The amount of ads placed all over it is completely incidental and I have no idea how they got here in the first place. I'm totally not trying to sell space and writing skill to the highest bidder and I am disgusted by all sorts of marketing strategies and manipulations. If you share those interests and think we may have something to offer each other, read on.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Talk to your plants

Do you talk to your plants?  Do you?  Really?  Are you weird?

I would risk to say, you're just kind. 

I started this little debate quite a while ago, just to see what do people think about plant talkers.  I gathered up pros and contras, found some famous plant talkers and finished it off with a duelling platform, where you can voice off your own opinion.

If you were wondering - of course I talk to my plants!  I don't know if it makes them any happier, but it surely pleases me.

To find out what other people think - follow this link.