Weird thing, but The Blog To Make Me Money is not making me any money yet. I guess I will need to promise you the Apocalypse or something before it does (ok, ok, I will shut up about the Apocalypse. Eventually...), but in the meantime - I figure that as long as you don't pay me for writing about something specific, I can write about anything I fancy. Spewing my fantastic individuality in the process, or just enjoying myself. Because why the fuck not.
So, how about 'Say Hello To a Nutter Day'? I've just discovered this blog, written by some totally insane girl with a knack for weird drawings and montypythonesque humour and I feel overwhelming gratefulness for all the nutters out there. How they make our lives sweeter!
Even if you are a straight, down-to-earth type, appreciate the nutters! If they don't manage to extract a smile from your face, at least you have someone to feel superior to.
Nah, what am I saying, everybody loves nutters.
That's why there should be a day dedicated specifically to them. Today, for example. Where do I apply? Do I need to collect some signatures? How much does it take to get the notion to Wikipedia?
I'll have a look and let you know.
Or not.
But tell your friends. It's a Worthy Cause. Nutters need some love too!