Can you make money from Squidoo? Can you??
I have no idea.
I'm trying, of course, me being intensely opposed to brainwash included in being properly employed these days.
So far I haven't earned a penny, and I've been working on it for about 2-3 months.
The idea is really sweet, you write stuff, anything you want, anything at all, with this really easy web creation software they are supplying, and the money just starts flowing in.
It's a lovely, lovely dream, but, as many other things on the web, it may prove to be a dream only.
Whatever the answer to the main question, sure as hell you need to apply lots of time and energy to Squidoo if you want to see any outcome.
There's one optimistic factor. You can add a poll module to your lens and ask whatever question you want. Lots of people ask - have you made any money squidooing? And roughly 50% of the answers is 'yes'. So technically it's possible.
It is also possible that you earn money on Squidoo only if you are bloody well educated in SEO, online marketing and somesuch.
In case it is so, let me boost my chances by posting a full list of links to my lenses - hey, backlinks is THE thing in today's Internet.
Lens 1
Lens 2
Lens 3
Lens 4
Lens 5
Lens 6
Lens 7
Lens 8
Lens 9
Lens 10
Lens 11
Lens 12
Lens 13
Lens 14